S-rummet is available to book for indivuals or groups during weekdays after 18:00, as well as all day on weekends and public holidays.
You can request a booking by sending an email to with “Booking” in the subject line.
In the mail, you may write a little about you or your group and its purpose, by answering the following questions and we will see if we can find a solution:
- How does you or your groups’ purpose fit with the values of S-rummet?
- How many people are in your group/the event you are hosting?
- How often and at what times of the day do you expect to use S-rummet?
Must agree and abide by our community guidelines.
Suggested amount per booking: 400kr
Scaling price: 300kr-800kr
It can be more depending of your group’s economy and whether or not it’s a profit-based event.
Write to us and explain your situation if none of this scaling price fits your group’s economy.