
The members of S-rummet make up a diverse community, bringing together students, freelancers, academics, writers, artists, designers, unemployed individuals, job seekers, and people from all kinds of backgrounds, each sharing their unique experiences and perspectives.

S-rummet is located (Jakob Dannefærds Vej 14) just a 5-minute walk from the Forum metro station and Nørrebro, and accommodates 25 members.

Community Guidelines

We support each other, and listen to each other. We strive to create a space for and by queer and trans people, people of color, neurodiverse individuals, people with ability variations or disabilities, other minorities, and those who cannot or will not fit into other co-working spaces.

We are critical of the capitalist labor market’s demand for productivity and growth. We have both paying and non-paying members to make the office-space accessible for people who might have limited economical wiggle room to pay.

Being a solidarity based community has the following implications, for our everyday practice. We reflect actively on our privileges and oppressive structures.

This means that we are working against the following: Racism, sexism, misogyny, cis-heteronormativity, toxic masculinity, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, xenophobia, anti-blackness,  islamophobia, antisemitism, anti-refugee/immigrant-attitudes, cultural appropriation, butchphobia, sissyphobia, femmephobia, fatphobia, ableism, ageism, and classicism/elitism, etc. 

Commitment to Learning and Mutual Respect

  • We are willing to search for new knowledge and educate ourselves where there is a need for us to do so.

  • We don’t assume other people’s gender. We use the pronouns designated by the individual.

  • We are open to criticism, and apologize when we do or say something problematic, or make mistakes, and change the relevant behavior going forward.

  • We listen to and acknowledge each other’s experiences. 

  • It is the responsibility of all members to call out any problematic behavior at S-rummet. If you experience something problematic or discriminatory (either towards yourself or somebody else) you can do one or more of the following:
    • Take a step away from the situation
    • Say something, either to the person or to the whole group
    • Ask Communications for support, either personally, via email or Slack


We have two work rooms; one quiet and one where talking is allowed. One of which can also be used as a per need meeting room. You are welcome to use S-rummet for any type of meeting, e.g. for meetings with groups and organisations that you are active in.

Guests and collaborators can also come visit and work. Children are welcome to come visit. Pets can visit on agreement. 

Description of the rooms:
In S-rummet, you will have access to the two rooms we have. The main room consists of two big tables which can be put together (leg tables are easily removable) + 1 big height adjustable desk. This room has 10 office chairs + 2 folding wooden chairs + 1 small couch. The back room has 5 office chairs, there’s one table, and one desk + 1 big couch. You also have access to the toilet, kitchen, microwave, projector and printer (only Black&White colors).

There are five steps down from street level to the entrance. The steps are 18 cm each. There are door lids (3 cm tall) between the rooms. The door openings are 70 cm in width. Our bathroom is small ( aprox. 90 cm x 100 cm) and the door for the bathroom is 60 cm in width.

S-rummet - Main room